Interacting with local Farmers
Tens of thousands of smallholder farmers in Ghana grow sorghum for consumption but also to sell to
Our professional team works to increase productivity and cost effectiveness on the market.
Agriaccess has dedicated itself to bring about change in the agricultural landscape in Ghana through input support to smallholder farmers, job creation, commodity trading and post-harvest management.
Agriaccess is an agribusiness company formed by determined and dedicated young people to improve livelihoods of rural smallholder farmers through input support, marketing and training in order to impact society and create employment for the teaming youth in Ghana.
We have also established the country’s first ever sorghum supply chain; a value chain that did not exist ten years ago! We are located in Wa, in the Upper West region of Ghana and our record speaks of the impact we have made in the lives of farmers in the community.
Tens of thousands of smallholder farmers in Ghana grow sorghum for consumption but also to sell to
Agriaccess is currently the largest single sorghum supplier to Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL), and works with